As the bees and the wind rarely do their job pollinating desert roses, growers hand pollinate their own species. This creative art has led to many new, beautiful hybrids of adenium. You can do it too. Together let's see how.

But first, as a little note:

Cross-Pollinating Is Not GMO

When we're pollinating between different adenium species, it is not gene modifying. It is simply a mom from Asia & a dad from America getting together.

Gene modification, as you may already know, is when they extract a piece of gene from one specie & insert it into another... to create a Frankenstein. This is to make the new GMO stronger or more productive, with of course unforeseeable risks.

This is to say, it is totally safe doing pollination on your own at home or in your garden. The best thing of all is you get to name your new specie however you like.

Pollinating Guide: 7 Easy Steps (With Pictures)