The fruiting time for a kumquat tree does vary depending on the fertilizer, water, weather, or the tree's age. But you often hear: it takes decades for kumquat trees to set fruits. Is it true or could it be a myth, though?
Kumquat trees don't necessarily take decades to produce fruits. If you're growing the Golden Bean kumquat, some people have got it to bear fruits after a year or so. If you're growing bigger trees like the Fukushu variety, it might only take 4-5 years.
This is the video about the "quat" we were talking about:
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Meiwa Kumquats from seed to fruit in under one and a half years - January 2018 through March 2019They got the seeds from eBay & used the Ziploc bag germination method. Under 1.5 year, the tree actually produced fruits. Did we mention: all of this was done in their apartment.
If you want fast-growing kumquats, you can choose these types. This is a myth-buster to some myths saying that it takes 7 or decades for kumquats to fruit.
If you enjoy chit-chatting about kumquats or citrus trees, you can join the folks here: Citrusgrowers
Some growers have shared that their kumquat grows to over 20ft tall & produces fruits within 5 years. You'll get bountiful crops all year round since. It's certainly well worth the wait.
Responses to Readers' Questions
How many times a year do kumquat trees produce?
--> I'd say probably once a year for most varieties. The Changshou (Fukushu) kumquat often flowers twice a year, so it can produce prolific crops almost all-year-round.
The trees often bloom in July. And about 3 months after that the fruits will ripen and you'll be ready for harvest. The harvest could be from November to January or December to April because the fruits can hold onto the trees well into late spring. I hope this helps!
For the first time. I have one fruit on my Kumquat tree, but it's still green and almost the size of a lime????
--> First off, congrats! That's good news. Maybe the variety that you have is a mandarinquat??
It's a cross between a mandarin & a kumquat and is much larger. The mandarinquat rind is still sweet. And compared to a kumquat, it's juicier. For a taste test, check out this video if you like. I hope this helps!
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MANDARINQUAT & KUMQUAT Taste Test | Fruity FruitsShare or pin this post!